St. Mary’s (Deep River)
Elementary School

St. Mary’s (Deep River) Elementary School

School Information


33110 Hwy 17
Deep River, ON K0J


Natalie Marchment

School Admin:

Clint Young

Principal’s Message

Inspired by our rich heritage and challenged by the struggles of our past, we at St. Mary’s School are called to express our mission as church to pass on the good news of Jesus Christ, to make it relevant in the world today, and to be the hope for the future.


School Year

RCCDSB Resources

Community Use of Schools

Would you or your group be interested in using some of our facilities after hours for your event?

Parent Involvement Committee

Get involved with what is happening at your child's school. Join our Parent Involvement Committee.

School Cash

SchoolCash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees.

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