Before & After School Care/Daycare

RCCDSB Before & After/Daycare

Renfrew County Catholic District School Board is proud to work with a variety of community partners to provide Before and After school programming in many of our schools. Programs operate in areas where there has been sufficient interest from the parent community.

Please find below a listing of programs being offered:

Program Details
Program Partner
Program offered in the school
Children’s Garden Nursery
George Vanier
Insufficient interest to run a viable program
Holy Name
Transportation offered to the before and after school located at Cathedral school
Children’s Garden Nursery (offered at Cathedral School)
St. John XIII
Program located at AJ Charbonneau school
Leaps and Bounds
Our Lady of Fatima
Transportation provided to and from St. Thomas the Apostle school in Renfrew
Leaps and Bounds
Our Lady of Grace
Insufficient interest to run a viable program
Our Lady of Lourdes
Transportation offered to the before and after school located at Cathedral school
Children’s Garden Nursery (offered at Cathedral School)
Our Lady of Sorrows
Before and After school program offered in the school
St. Andrews
Insufficient interest to run a viable program
St. Anthony’s
Insufficent interest to run a viable program
St. Francis of Assisi
Before and After school program offered in the school
St. James
Insufficient interest to run a viable program
St. John Bosco
Before and After school program offered in the school
Kidz Kastle
St. Joseph’s Arnprior
Before and After school program offered in the school
Leaps and Bounds
St. Joseph’s Calabogie
Insufficient interest to run a viable program
St. Mary’s
Before and After school program offered in the school
Children’s Junction Daycare
St. Michael’s
Insufficient interest to run a viable program
St. Thomas the Apostle
Before and After school program offered in the school
Leaps and Bounds

Please contact the program provider for any associated fees with the program

Financial assistance might be available to parents by contacting: County of Renfrew Child Care Services

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