St. Thomas the Apostle
Elementary School
School Information
833 First Street, Renfrew, ON, K7V 4E1
Tony Jacyno
School Admin:
Lorraine Thompson
Principal’s Message
Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle School, a school that strives to peacefully and cooperatively nurture the giftedness, self-worth and potential of each individual. This year each staff and student are invited to “join in a critical analysis of the arts, media and technology” that will, as Pope Francis suggests, help everyone to encounter Christ.
Pope Francis states that, “the media can help us to feel closer to one another…the world of communications can help us either to expand our knowledge or to lose our bearings.” At STA we use iPads, iPad minis, laptops, computers, smartboards, Apple TV connectivity and a variety of technology as tools to support our learning and help expand our knowledge. A few classrooms are now ‘blended learning classrooms’ where the children and parents can go online to see what the students are learning. From videos, pictures and learning goals to songs and activities, the online classroom is another tool that parents can use to access the learning that the children are engaged in.
We invite all in the STA community to join us in this digital age as we continue to use technology as part of our learning and as we continue to enhance the well-being of our students and prepare everyone for the future.