Speech and Language Services

Our Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Communication Disorders Facilitators (CDFs) support students with speech and language difficulties in accessing the Ontario curriculum.

Speech-Language Pathology services may include one or more of the following services:

  • assessments;
  • consulting in-class programming through school staff
  • specialized programs where needed such as:
    • Kindergarten language;
    • enrichment;
    • Early Intervention Classroom; and
    • Autism Resource team.
  • participation in school team meetings;
  • referral to a community agencies;
  • provision of workshops for staff and parents regarding communication development disorders; and
  • supporting language development in Kindergarten. 

When is a student referred?

Referrals are initiated at the school level, with ongoing consultation with Speech-Language staff and parent(s) or guardian(s). Students are referred for the following reasons:

  • limited or no means of communication such as:
    • students with Autism Spectrum Disorder;
    • students who are non-verbal;
    • students with developmental delays;
    • students using augmentative communication systems.
  • students in primary grades who are experiencing significant language and/or phonological awareness difficulties and therefore unable to access curriculum.
  • students with unintelligible speech;
  • reluctant speakers (students who limit communication at school and are expressive in other environments e.g. at home)
  • students requiring referral to Grandview School Based Rehabilitation Services for speech therapy such as:
    • students with fluency disorders;
    • voice disorders;
    • cleft palate; and
    • significant speech-sound production difficulties 
RCCDSB Speech and Language Services
Speech and Language Services

The Team

Our team consists of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) and Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA). A CDA works with an SLP to provide support to students. CDA does not work independently from a SLP. 


The understanding of language.

The ability to use words, signs, symbols to express one’s thoughts, feelings and needs. This includes grammar, vocabulary, syntax and conversational skills.

The physical production of speech sounds.

How smoothly sounds, words and phrases flow together during connected speech.

The sound produced by vibration of the vocal folds including loudness, voice quality and resonance.

The ability to notice, think about and manipulate the sounds, syllables and words of a language.

Using verbal and non-verbal means to interact with others.

Reading, decoding and writing.

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