SJHS Course Selection

myBlueprint is an education planner software application and is used to make ALL course selections. It provides students with resources to make informed choices and/or decisions about their educational pathway and future post-secondary destination. Students can build customized high school course plans, identify post-secondary options that are available and explore valuable information about apprenticeships, college programs, university programs and workplace opportunities across Canada!


Go to: myBlueprint

Username/Email: [email protected]


Start with:

  • High School Planner

  • Post-secondary Planner

  • Interest Surveys

  • Experience and Resumes

  • Explore!

“Streaming” involves students opting for “applied” or “academic” courses. An “academic” course load is one required for entry into university, whereas “applied” courses would be more applicable to college. Classes will now be streamed beginning in grade 10.

De-streaming is an approach to learning that intends to “better support students in having every opportunity to pursue the pathway of their choice after their K-12 education” (Ontario Ministry of Education). This means that grade 9 classes will NOT be divided into academic or applied levels, but rather, will continue to learn in groups of varied abilities and interests in which teachers have high and appropriate expectations for all students and a clear understanding that all students can be successful.


You must select ALL of the following:

ENGLISH…………………………ENG 1D or 1L

MATH……………………………..MTH 1W

SCIENCE…………………………SNC 1D or 1L

FRENCH………………………….FSF 1D


RELIGION………………………..HRE 1O

PHYS-ED: you must select ONE of the following:

Girls Phys-ed………………………..PPL 1OF

Boys Phys-ed……………………….PPL 1OM

Co-Ed Phys-ed……………………..PPL 1O


You must select ONE of the following:

DRAMA…………………………..ADA 1O

MUSIC……………………………AMU 1O


TECH……………………………..TIJ 1O

HOCKEY PROGRAM: you must select BOTH PAL 10 and PAF 1O

NOTE: You must also fill out an application which can be found HERE


Students, with their parents and teachers, choose Grade 10 courses based primarily on student interests, needs and achievements. Students select an appropriate combination of open, applied and academic courses in order to add to their knowledge and skills base, explore their interests, and determine the type of educational program they are best suited to undertake. Decisions about a particular educational and/or career path become somewhat more binding at this stage.

Academic Courses “D”: Academic courses develop students’ knowledge and skills through the study of theory and abstract problems. These courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject and explore related concepts as well. They incorporate practical applications as appropriate.

Applied Courses “P”: Applied courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject, and develop students’ knowledge and skills through practical applications and concrete examples. Familiar situations are used to illustrate ideas, and students are given more opportunities to experience hands-on applications of the concepts and theories they study. Students must choose between academic and applied courses in each of the core subjects – English, French as a second language, science, geography, mathematics (gr. 10) and history (gr. 10). Both types of courses set high expectations for students while preparing them for studies in the senior grades. The two types of courses differ in the balance between essential concepts and additional material, and in the balance between theory and application.

Open Courses “O”: Open courses are the only types of courses offered in most subjects other than those listed above. They are designed to prepare students for further study in a subject, and to enrich their education generally. Open courses comprise a set of expectations that are appropriate for all students.

Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Courses (LDCC) “L”: LDCC courses focus on the knowledge and skills that students need to be well prepared for success in the Grade 11 Workplace Preparation courses. Students with widely ranging levels of competency may require these courses; some of these students may be four years behind grade level with significant gaps in knowledge, concept understanding, and skills. As well, LDCC courses will support students in developing and enhancing strategies that they need to develop literacy and numeracy skills and the confidence to use these skills in their day-to-day activities.


In Grades 11 and 12, students will choose from among four destination-related course types: university preparation, university/college preparation, college preparation, and workplace preparation. Open courses are also offered in Grades 11 and 12. Students will make their choices on the basis of their interests, achievement, and career goals. All university preparation courses, university/college preparation courses, college preparation courses, and workplace preparation courses have been developed in collaboration with representatives of universities, colleges, apprenticeship programs, or the business community, as appropriate, and are designed to enable students to meet the entrance requirements of post-secondary institutions or apprenticeship or other training programs, or the expectations of employers in the workplace.

The following is a brief description of the types of courses that are available in the various disciplines of the Ontario curriculum in Grades 11 and 12:

University Preparation Courses “U”: University preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs.

University/College Preparation Courses “M”: University/college preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for specific programs offered at universities and colleges.

College Preparation Courses “C”: College preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the requirements for entrance to most college programs or for admission to apprenticeship or other training programs.

Open Courses “O”: Open courses are designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests and to prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society. They are not designed with the specific requirements of universities, colleges, or the workplace in mind.

Workplace Preparation Courses “E”: Workplace preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the expectations of employers, if they plan to enter the workplace directly after graduation, or the requirements for admission to certain apprenticeship or other training programs.

Prerequisites are specified for many of the courses offered in Grades 11 and 12. They are identified in MY BLUEPRINT.

One of the defining traits of elearning is the increased independence of learners. eLearning is not for everyone. A successful e-learner MUST:

  • Be able to work independently
  • Be highly motivated
  • Be able to meet deadlines
  • Have access to a computer and reliable internet
  • Be able to use a browser, send and receive email and use a discussion board

So, if you are interested in taking an e-learning course, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have the discipline and learning skills to benefit from the course?

  • Am I self-motivated and self-disciplined to stay committed to the tasks?

  • Can I set interim goals and deadlines for myself, and stick to them?

  • Do I have the basic hardware required for the course?
    • A computer fast enough to handle the program
    • A sound card capable of playing any audio files the course may use
    • A reliable network connection to access the Internet.
  • Do I have the skills to effectively manage and understand the technology so as not to interfere with the course expectations?
  • Am I able to actively participate in discussions to gain valuable insights from my peers and teachers?
  • Am I able to effectively communicate through writing?

SHSM is a ministry-approved program which is tailored to students in all four pathways or post-secondary destinations (workplace, apprenticeship, college, and university). SHSM students have the unique opportunity to gain sector specific skills in conjunction with earning both their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), and the SHSM designation upon graduation.

Students may apply in Grade 10, by indicating their interest in SHSM in MyBlueprint or by speaking to either the Guidance Department or SHSM Teacher. Students may also apply in Grade 11. They will need to complete the SHSM application from the Guidance Department and speak with their Guidance Counsellor.

There are four components of an SHSM:

1. Completion of a bundle of nine credits including:

  • Minimum of four Health and Physical Education OR Arts credits (choose two credits in both Grade 11 and Grade 12)

  • Three other required credits in English, Mathematics, (H& W: Science and/or Social Science and Family Studies; A & C- Business or Canadian/World Studies)

  • Two Cooperative Education credits linked to career focus

2. Certifications and Training:

  • Four recognized certifications

  • Three additional elective sector specific certifications

  • One of Three Sector Partner Contextualized Experience (SPCE)

3. Experiential Learning & Career Exploration Activities with the Sector:

  • Guest Speakers

  • Job Shadowing and Job Twinning

  • Field Trips

4. Reach Ahead Experiences such as:

  • University and College tours/visits/activities

For more information on SJHS Hockey Program, check out their website HERE.

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