SJHS Announcements
Monday October 3, 2022
Fall Chili Cook-Off!
Friday, October 7th
Do you think you have what it takes to win the chili cook-off?
We are inviting 20 participants (staff or students) to make their best pot of chili to participate in our 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off!
Sign up on the student lounge window and bring in your pot of Chili, Friday, October 7th.
If you bring in a pot of chili, you eat for free.
Don’t have what it takes to participate, that’s ok, you can taste up to 3 different chilis for only $5, and cast your vote to help decide which person will win the title of best chili!!!
All proceeds from the chili cook will support our food bank drive!
Students and Staff are reminded to continue checking their School Board issued email accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open everyday at lunch for student use. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
Will the following students please see Mr. O’Connor after announcements this morning; Brianna Ayotte, Jaiden Farrell, Ian Irvine, Clayton Jolliffe, Leah Ruxton, and Lex Wieland.
Mr. MacLeod wants to meet with the Jazz Band tomorrow at lunchtime in the music room for a quick meeting.
The senior girls had a very busy week in basketball last week. They ended the week travelling to a tournament in Peterborough and facing some tough competition. The girls played hard but came up short against Eastview of Barrie and Adam Scott of Peterborough but finished the weekend with a strong showing against St. Joseph’s of Barrie and came away with the win. Take today off, early practice tomorrow.
Algonquin College, Ottawa University and Carleton University will be at the school for presentations this week. You must sign up in Student Services to attend.
Please remember our Food Drive in support of the Renfrew and District Food Bank. This is our last week leading up to Thanksgiving. Thank you to those who have aleady donated food.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Please remember our Food Drive to support our brothers and sisters in need in our community. Thank you to those who have already donated food items. The Food Bank is most in need of the following items: Peanut butter, cereal, personal hygiene items, condiments, tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Women’s League and the Knights of Columbus invite you to join us for a “Public Square Rosary Rally” on Saturday October 15th at 12 Noon on the lawn of Our Lady of Fatima parish, 100 Lisgar St Renfrew. This Public Square Rosary, promoted by “Canada Needs Our Lady”, will be one of over 700 rallies that will take place across Canada on that day. Please join us in praying the Rosary for peace in the world plus other intentions through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
If any student is interested in participating in the Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Poster/Essay contest, more information is available in the office.
Students and Staff are reminded to continue checking their School Board issued email accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open everyday at lunch for student use. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
Will the following students please see Mr. O’Connor after announcements this morning; Calvin Bertrand, Tony Emon-Brydges, Devin Cholette, Aaron Lewis, Jackson St. Michael, Justin Thompson, Tanner Troke, Jeremy Villeneuve.
Attention Junior Boys Volleyball team – There will not be a practice tonight after school. You are reminded to check your Google classroom for team updates and reminders.
Hey Jags! Check out the foods room today at lunch for a soup and sandwich!
Fall Chili Cook-Off! Friday, October 7th
-Do you think you have what it takes to win the chili cook-off?
-We are inviting 20 participants (staff or students) to make their best pot of chili to participate in our 2nd annual Chili Cook-Off!
Sign up on the student lounge window and bring in your pot of Chili, Friday, October 7th.
-If you bring in a pot of chili, you eat for free.
-Don’t have what it takes to participate, that’s ok, you can taste up to 3 different chilis for only $5, and cast your vote to help decide which person will win the title of best chili!!!
-All proceeds from the chili cook will support our food bank drive!
Algonquin College, Ottawa University and Carleton University will be at the school for presentations this week. You must sign up in Student Services to attend.
Chemistry period 2: Mr. Retty’s chemistry students should report to the student lounge for the beginning of period 2.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Calling all performers!!! Coffee House is coming up on Wednesday, November 16 and we are looking for performers who wish to share their singing and musical talents with our school and community. Gather some friends and get rehearsing! Auditions will be held on October 19, 20, and 21. Students can sign up on the student lounge windows. If you are interested in helping out but not inclined to perform, you can meet with Mr. Retty, Mr. MacLeod, Mrs. O’Rourke or Mrs. Hamel to see how you can volunteer.
News from your Cafeteria:
Try something new – today is Tofu Stir Fry, it’s vegan-friendly $7.00
Thursday is Thanksgiving Dinner on a Bun with mashed potatoes $8.00 Add tomato juice or dessert for just an extra $2.00. Stop by the cafeteria to pre-order!
Friday Special – Mac & Cheese with a Garlic Stick and Jag Juice $6.75
The Dominican Republic Team will be selling ice cream and frozen treats again on Friday at lunch. A little cool down after a hot bowl of chili! Cash $2 for ice cream and $1 for frozen treats.
There will be a junior boys volleyball practice tonight at 2:35. Grab your late taxi at lunch!
Please remember our Food Drive to support our brothers and sisters in need in our community. Thank you to those who have already donated food items. The Food Bank is most in need of the following items: Peanut butter, cereal, personal hygiene items, condiments, tea, coffee and hot chocolate.
Please note that the Gay Straight Alliance will not be meeting today due to a conflict in scheduling. It will be open tomorrow at lunch in Portable 5.
Friday is looking like a cold rainy day so we have decided to change the Turkey Bowl to Thursday afternoon, period 4. All students are to go to your period 4 class for attendance and then we will head outside to the field for the grade 8s vs teachers flag football game.
We are also excited to announce that Thursday will now be jersey day. Come to school wearing your favourite sports jersey or your jag wear to support the flag football game! Hope to see lots of school spirit Thursday!
Varsity Golf – Yesterday, Abbie Miller represented our Jaguar golf team at the Upper Canada Golf Course in Russell, for the EOSSAA Championship. Abbie got off to a rough start on the first two holes, but then quickly turned it around and narrowly missed finishing in the top 3 by one stroke. Great job Abbie!
Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022
Thursday is Thanksgiving Dinner on a Bun with mashed potatoes $8.00 Add tomato juice or dessert for just an extra $2.00. Stop by the cafeteria to pre-order!
Friday Special – Mac & Cheese with a Garlic Stick and Jag Juice $6.75
The Dominican Republic Team will be selling ice cream and frozen treats again tomorrow at lunch. A little cool down after a hot bowl of chili! Cash $2 for ice cream and $1 for frozen treats.
Please remember our Food Drive to support our brothers and sisters in need in our community. Thank you to those who have already donated food items. The Food Bank is most in need of the following items: Peanut butter, cereal, personal hygiene items, condiments, tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Tomorrow is our last day.
Could period 1 or period 4 teacher please collect any twoonies or food donations to support the food bank. Please bring food donations to town square and bring money collected to Mr. Dedo.
Community Service Opportunity in Arnprior
Do you have a student looking for hours that would want to work a station at the Arnprior Witches and Wizards walk? The event is October 29th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. They are looking for someone to dress as a witch or wizard, listen to little kids make up spells and stamp their passport once they tell them their spell.
Students and Staff are reminded to continue checking their School Board issued email accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open everyday at lunch for student use. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
Mrs. O’Rourke Period 2 Law class will have a Sign in at the office.
Will the following students please see Mr. O’Connor after announcements this morning; Jason Deacon, Kyler Killeen, Nathan Donohue, Faith Robiilard, Logan Bowes.
Lots of action on the tennis courts this week. On Monday Maclaine Gahan and Lainy Mcdonald competed in the junior tournament and came out on top with a first place finish and qualifying them for EOSSA in the spring. Yesterday also proved to be another successful day for the Jags, with Colton Osipenko and Lia Osborne capturing a second place finish in mixed doubles, Carter Dubeau and Sawyer Smart also taking home second place medals in boys doubles and Alyssa Droppo finishing first and Elena Valliquette rounding out the top in Senior Girls Singles. Great week team! You should all be very proud of your play.
Yesterday, the St. Joe’s Grade 8 Flag Football team traveled to Opeongo to compete and it was an excellent day for football! The Jags went 4 and 0 in round robin play (including beating RCI twice!) and cruised through the quarter finals and semifinals to face off against Walter Zadow in the championship game. Despite having a small lead at half-time, the Jags were narrowly edged out and just fell short on a Hail Mary play at the buzzer. Congrats to an awesome team and good luck against the Staff in today’s Turkey Bowl!
Friday, October 7th, 2022
Cross country results from yesterday. The grade 8’s traveled to Cobden, with Daelyn Beckett finishing in 6th place in the Grade 8 Girls division. In the high school division, Ethen Lavictoire finished 11th out of 159 runners. Great effort to all our runners! Practice Tuesday after school.
Hey Jags! Lots of great food options today! Cafeteria, student lounge and the Foods Room will have lots of great snacks up for grabs! The Foods room will also be serving some caesar salad and wraps to go along with your chili! Free of charge! Swing by the foods room at lunch and check it out!
This is just a reminder that Ms. Pallen’s grade 9 girls gym class will meet in room 321 today! Please bring your chromebooks!
Today is the chili cook off! This will take place in the student lounge at lunch today. Everyone who has paid through school cash online is to come to the student lounge at the start of lunch to try the chilis and cast your vote on the best one!
Student lounge will only be open for those students and staff who have already paid and closed to everyone else.
Yesterday the senior girls basketball team won both their games at the tournament in Pembroke. The girls beat Opeongo in a close game with a come from behind win and then they played Bishop and came away with a 53-7 win. Great job Jaguars.
Any student interested in visiting Algonquin College Pembroke campus, please see Mr. Valliquette.
The Ontario University fair will be coming to Renfrew Oct. 15th to Mateway. If you are interested in visiting all the Ontario Universities, you must sign up in Student Services in order to be excused from your period 3 class that day. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Pender or Mr. Valliquette.
Senior Boys volleyball practice Monday morning at 9:30am in preparation for Tuesday’s tournament day. Any juniors wishing to come are more than welcome.
IMPORTANT DATES: Thursday Oct. 13 Parent Teacher Interviews 3 – 7 pm
Tuesday, October 11th, 2022
Grade 12 Sign Ins for Today:
Period 1 Mrs. Cahill’s PSK4U in the office following announcements
Period 2 Mrs. O’Rourke’s CLN4U and Mr. Gagnon’s IDC4U
Period 4 Mrs. O’Rourke’s ENG4U
Students and Staff are reminded to continue checking their School Board issued email accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open everyday at lunch for student use. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
With Coffee House fast approaching, performers are reminded that auditions are taking place on October 19, 20, and 21 at lunch. Sign up sheets are going up on the student lounge windows today.
Peer helpers are reminded of the in-class session running on Thursday this week during Period Three. Please inform your teachers in advance.
Improv Club will meet today at 2:45 in Portable 5. Be sure to sign up for your late taxi at lunch.
There is a Jazz Band rehearsal today after school from 2:30-3:30 in the music room.
Cross Country practice is canceled tonight. Feel free to go for a run on your own!
Wednesday, October 12,2022
The Dominican Republic Team will be hosting a Takeout Chili Dinner Fundraiser next Wednesday, October 19th. Enjoy a warm bowl of chili, a side salad and a homemade bun for a freewill offering. Pickup or delivery available from 4-7 p.m. Please email or see Mr. Dedo for orders.
Attention Grade 8’s. There will be a sign up sheet posted outside the gym for boys interested in trying out for the school’s volleyball team. Tryouts will start tomorrow during lunch at 11:10am.
There is going to be a Jazz Band meeting today at lunch in room 202 for all members, this includes new players who have not been to any practices yet.
The Senior Boys Volleyball team saw action yesterday in Deep River with 3 matches. The boys finished the day with a 2 and 1 record after posting an opening loss to a strong Mackenzie team but then rebounded with 2 straight victories over Madawaska and a come from behind win against Bishop Smith. Early practice tonight in preparation for our games tomorrow against RCI and Equinox..
The senior girls basketball team continued to rack up wins with a decisive 76-11 win against Valour. Leading the way in scoring was Kiera Prange, Abi Daniels and Emily Carty. Great ball movement and starting the game with impressive energy helped get the early lead. Late practice tonight.
Attention all students. Jaguar clothing has been added to your school cash online account. We are selling t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, crews and Under Armour workout short and long sleeve shirts. THe deadline for the Under Armour clothing is Oct. 17th and Oct. 31st for all other clothing. This will be the only opportunity to get the Under Armour shirts this year. Allo other articles will be available again in the new year.
Looking for a SJHS cap or touque, Mr. Valliquette has limited supplies. Come to student services to check them out.
Any graduating student interested in going to Algonquin College’s Pembroke campus on Oct. 27th must sign up in Student Services. You will be bused there and back with a campus tour and a question and answer session.
Ontario Universities will be hosting an Information Fair at Mateway Oct. 17th. All 22 of Ontario’s Universities will be there. SJHS will be taking students there for period 3. If you would like to attend and meet the requirements to attend an Ontario University next year, please sign up in student services. You will not be excused from class without signing up.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
The Dominican Republic Team will be hosting a Takeout Chili Dinner Fundraiser next Wednesday, October 19th. Enjoy a warm bowl of chili, a side salad and a homemade bun for a freewill offering. Pickup or delivery available from 4-7 p.m. Please email or see Mr. Dedo for orders.
The Foods room will be offering charcuterie boards today between period 1&2. Swing by on your way to class and grab a cup!!
Attention Grade 8 Girls – Interested in trying out for the Grade 8 Girls Volleyball Team? Tryouts will be Tuesday and Thursday of next week at lunch. Please be changed and ready to go for 11:00. See Mr. Hisko anytime before Tuesday to sign up.
Would Josiah Draper and Corson Scobie come to the office following announcements, with their chromebooks.
If you have lost a debit card please come to the office to identify.
The Gay Straight Alliance lunch meeting is cancelled today. Mrs. Kelly will see you next wednesday.
Reminder to all peer helping students that an in-class session is taking place in Portable 7 during Period Three today.
Performers are reminded to sign up on the student lounge windows in order to be able to audition for Coffee House. Auditions are being held October 19, 20, and 21 at lunch in the Blues Room.
Friday, October 14, 2022
A couple of buses are running 15 – 20 minutes late this morning.
The Dominican Republic Team will be hosting a Takeout Chili Dinner Fundraiser next Wednesday, October 19th. Enjoy a warm bowl of chili, a side salad and a homemade bun for a freewill offering. Pickup or delivery available from 4-7 p.m. Please email or see Mr. Dedo for orders.
To all Self Identified Indigenous students from grades 9-12, please check your student email for a “Great Opportunity” from Mr. Benoit. Please complete the google form attached to the email and submit.
Thank you.
The girls basketball teams traveled to Mackenzie High School last night and we came away with 2 wins. The juniors won decisively 40 to 8. Georgia Fraser led the way in scoring with 10 points. The seniors had to work hard against an athletic Mustang team. After a slow start the girls won 37 – 23. Keira Prange and Mariel Enright led the way offensively. Great job, Jaguars.
The boys volleyball teams also had a successful day on the courts yesterday as the Seniors posted two 3-games-to-1 victories against Equinox and cross town rivals RCI. The juniors squared off in a battle of undefeated teams and dominated RCI en route to a convincing 3 games to none triumph. Congratulations to both teams.
IMPORTANT DATES: Wednesday Oct 19 Chili Dinner D.R. Fundraiser 4 – 7 pm
Monday, October 17, 2022
Cafeteria Lunch Special Today: Chicken Burger w/Fries & Jag Juice $7.00
The Dominican Republic Team will be hosting a Takeout Chili Dinner Fundraiser this Wednesday, October 19th. Enjoy a warm bowl of chili, a side salad and a homemade bun for a freewill offering. Pickup or delivery available from 4-7 p.m. Today is the last day for orders Please email or see Mr. Dedo for orders.
There will be a brief Junior Boys Volleyball team meeting in town square right after announcements.
To all Self Identified Indigenous students from Grades 9-12, If you are interested in attending The Indigenous Career Info Day on Monday, Nov.14 at Algonquin College Pembroke Campus please check your student email sent to you from Mr. Benoit. You can also sign up at the office.
It will be half of the day with free transportation and lunch will also be provided.
Deadline is approaching fast.
Varsity Golf – Abbie Miller had the opportunity to represent SJHS at the Girls Provincial Festival of Golf at OFSAA in Brantford last week. She faced an exceptionally tough golf course, some challenging weather conditions, and most of the best female golfers in the province. As a grade 9 competitor, she gained some very valuable experience but was unable to match the top high school score, a two day total of 164 (86/78). This experience was an indication of the hard work and commitment required to succeed at this event in the future. Hopefully a number of other students will take the opportunity next year to qualify for this event. Great job Abbie!
Students and Staff are reminded to continue checking their School Board issued email accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open everyday at lunch for student use. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
Will the following students please see Mr. O’Connor in the Study Hall after announcements; Evan Charbonneau, Kyler Kileen, Abby Mielke, Elizabeth Morris, Oliver Webster, Lydia McHugh, Liam Leach, Nathan Donohue, and Keira Enright.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Bus 818 is running a little late this morning.
Cafeteria Special Today: Large Taco Salad with Jag Juice $7.00
The Improv team will meet after school until 4 pm today on the stage. Everyone is welcome. Don’t forget to book your late taxi, if needed.
There will be a Grade 8 Girls Volleyball Tryout today and Thursday at lunch. You must attend at least one of these two tryouts in order to be considered. See Mr. Hisko if you have any questions.
Will the following students please see Mr. O’Connor in the Study Hall after announcements; Avia Ferguson and Chevy Robillard.
Are you planning on applying to University in Ontario for the Fall of 2022? You need your OUAC pin to start your application. Please see Mrs. Pender or Mr. Valliquette in student services to get yours today.
The Senior Girls Basketball team continued to roll in league play with a 57-14 win against Madawaska Valley yesterday. Leading the way in scoring was Abi Daniels and Kiera Prange with 10 each. Great effort team. Late practice Wednesday and please see Mr. Valliquette today about the exhibition game against St. Mary’s.
There is a Jazz Band practice today after school in the music room.
Senior Boys volleyball improved their record by posting a 3 to 1 victory against Arnprior last night. Excellent effort and late practice tonight with a guest coach.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Cafeteria Special for Today: Perogies and Pasta w/Jag Juice $ 7.00
Calling all singers!
Miss Belanger is looking for some help to form a choir which will sing at the Cenotaph for the Renfrew Legion’s Remembrance Day Service this year. We will meet in the Music Room for practices on Wednesdays at the beginning of lunch starting NEXT week (Wed. Oct.26). Bring your lunch.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Grade 8 Boys volleyball tryouts today at lunch for players in Mr. St Michael’s class only.
Senior boys volleyball practice is late tonight.
Friday, October 21, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Cheese Pizza and Jag Juice $5.50
Hey Jags, Halloween is quickly approaching and with that Student council will once again be selling Jackograms. Next week, come to the spirit spot in town square during lunch with 3$ to buy a jack-o-gram for yourself or someone else.
Lost: Red notebook with Biology written across the bottom. If found please bring it to the office!
MONDAY, Oct. 24, 2022
Cafeteria Special Today: Chicken Parm w/Ceasar Salad and Jag Juice $7.00
There will be a Jazz Band practice on Tuesday after school.
There will be a junior boys volleyball practice today at lunch.
Today is the first day to buy your jack-o-grams. Bring your $3 to town square today at lunch to treat your friends to a jack-o-gram. These will be delivered to period one classes on Monday October 31.
Be sure to check out the foods room this week on Tuesday & Thursday for some fun halloween snacks!
Improv will be tomorrow after school.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Veggie & Cheese Quesadillas w/Fries and Jag Juice $7.00
Grade 8 boys volleyball practice today at lunch for boys in Mr. Hisko and Mrs. Briscoe’s classes.
As part of our Remembrance Day Celebration on November 11th, we would like to create a video presentation of photos of family members of students and staff who are serving or who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos of deceased family members are also welcomed. Please send photos via email to either Mr. Dedo or Mr. Gagnon with the name of the person, their rank and years served by Monday, November 7th.
A reminder that tomorrow at lunch Miss Belanger will meet with all singers who would like to help with the choir for the Remembrance Day service at the Cenotaph. Bring your lunches to the Music room!
Please note that our Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting only once this week–today at lunch in portable 5. All are welcome.
Hey Jags, come cheer on the Junior and Senior boys volleyball teams today after school as they take on Jeanne-Lajoie! Games start at 3pm!
This is just a reminder that the Foods room will be serving a fun halloween treat today and Thursday! Pop by on your way to period 2 and check it out!
Community Service Hours Opportunity
The St. Francis Xavier Parish CWL are holding their annual Tea & Talent Sale on Saturday, November 12th and they are in need of student volunteers. There are a variety of jobs and shifts that are available on both Friday, November 11th after school and then throughout the day on Saturday. If you are interested in helping please see Ms. O’Gorman in Student Services.
Volunteers are needed to help with the Renfrew Santa Claus Parade. If you would like more information, please see Mr. Valliquette.
The senior girls basketball team locked up second place in league play last night with a 45-25 win over RCI. Leading the way in scoring were Abi Daniels and Mariel Enright. There was a bit of a lull during the second quarter but a determined Danica Osipenko inspired the team with her tough play in the third quarter and helped spark the win. Great job, ladies.
Improv meets after school today on the stage! Don’t forget your late taxi.
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Pulled Pork Sandwich w/Fries and Jag Juice $7.00
Come to town square at lunch to buy your Jack-o-gram for $3. Buy one for yourself, your friends or your favourite staff member! They will be delivered on Halloween during period 1.
Miss Belanger is looking forward to seeing many current and former students in the Music Room at lunch today for a little reunion, and our first Choir practice to prepare for singing at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day! Bring your lunches, we’ll eat together first, and then start singing!
Halloween is Monday, October 31st!
Do you think you have what it takes to win the costume contest? Come dressed up in your best, scariest, funniest, most creative costume and then come to the cafeteria at lunch to see if you can win!
The annual pumpkin carving/decorating contest is coming up again this year! Student council members will be coming around today, period 2 and you will choose a teacher’s name. Let’s get creative!
Staff and students are reminded to regularly check their School Board issued Outlook email accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open all day and throughout the lunch hour for student use. If you have upcoming tests and/or assignments coming due before midterms, please consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
Grade 8 boys volleyball today at lunch. Please see the list posted for those to attend.
Thursday, October 27th, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Chicken & Veggie Stir Fry w/Rice and Jag Juice $7.00
As part of our Remembrance Day Celebration on November 11th, we would like to create a video presentation of photos of family members of students and staff who are serving or who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos of deceased family members are also welcomed. Please send photos via email to either Mr. Dedo or Mr. Gagnon with the name of the person, their rank and years served by Monday, November 7th.
Come to town square at lunch to buy your Jack-o-gram for $3. Buy one for yourself, your friends or your favourite staff member! They will be delivered on Halloween during period 1.
Can members & coaches of the following teams please come to town square at the beginning of lunch today for a team photo for the yearbook: Cross Country team, golf team and the tennis team.
Halloween is Monday, October 31st!
Do you think you have what it takes to win the costume contest? Come dressed up in your best, scariest, funniest, most creative costume and then come to the cafeteria at lunch to see if you can win!
Are you missing a hoodie or a sweater? Check out the lost and found rack located outside the student lounge to see if it is hanging there.
Are you interested in working out during lunch hour? The Workout club will begin next week! Come to room 310 today at the beginning of lunch to sign up!
Grade 8 Girls Volleyball practice at lunch today.
Grade 8 boys volleyball practice today at lunch today also.
Friday, October 28th, 2022
Cafeteria Special today: Mac N Cheese w/Garlic Stick and Jag Juice $6.50
As part of our Remembrance Day Celebration on November 11th, we would like to create a video presentation of photos of family members of students and staff who are serving or who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos of deceased family members are also welcomed. Please send photos via email to either Mr. Dedo or Mr. Gagnon with the name of the person, their rank and years served by Monday, November 7th.
Any student wishing to attend the Nipissing Presentation this afternoon, must sign up by lunch in student services.
Come to town square at lunch to buy your Jack-o-gram for $3. Buy one for yourself, your friends or your favourite staff member! They will be delivered on Halloween during period 1.
Halloween is Monday, October 31st!
Do you think you have what it takes to win the costume contest? Come dressed up in your best, scariest, funniest, most creative costume and then come to the cafeteria at lunch to see if you can win!
A big shout out to the Junior Boys Volleyball team who ended their season last night against Fellows with a 3-0 victory! The junior boys had a undefeated season! First place in the county boys! Congrats! Play offs will be held here, at St. Joes, next Thursday! Stay tuned for game times!
Congratulations to our Indigenous Graduation Coach Mr. Benoit. Mr. Benoit was selected as the Head Coach for U14 Team Ontario Boys Basketball team which will compete at the 2023 North American Indigenous Games to be held next summer in Halifax!
The final deadline for those students performing in the Coffee House with acts that were still being worked on will be Wednesday November 2nd. These acts must be ready to be auditioned at lunchtime or else they will not be in the show. ALSO, green Coffee House sheets MUST be turned in ASAP if you want your act to run in the show. These green sheets can be handed in to Mrs. Hamel, Mrs. O’Rourke, Mr. Retty or Mr. MacLeod.
This is just a reminder for Ms. Pallen’s grade 9 girls phys-ed class to meet in room 321 today!
Monday, October 31, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Eyeballs & Brains, a mummy stick with a cup of sludge.
(Spaghetti and meatballs, garlic stick and jag juice) $7.00
If you would like a polaroid photo taken with you and your friends, come to the Town Square at lunch. Cost is $2 and proceeds will be donated to our Dominican Republic charities.
The Dominican Republic Team will be offering a pizza lunch for purchase on School Cash Online only for this Friday, November 4th. $6 for two slices of pizza and a drink. All proceeds are directed to food, medical and educational programs that we support for the people of the Dominican Republic.
Anyone have an interest in traveling to Europe in the next few years? There will be an information meeting in room 102 this Thursday at lunch to discuss future travel destinations and how you can start planning. Come learn about the wonderful opportunity to travel with your friends and discover different cultures.
Community Service Hours Opportunity
The St. Francis Xavier Parish CWL are holding their annual Tea & Talent Sale on Saturday, November 12th and they are in need of student volunteers. There are a variety of jobs and shifts that are available on both Friday, November 11th after school and then throughout the day on Saturday. If you are interested in helping please see Ms. O’Gorman in Student Services.
Happy Halloween everyone, there are some great costumes out there! Remember to head to the cafeteria at lunch today for the costume parade, there will be prizes! Period one we will be doing our pumpkin decorating contest, if each teacher could send one student to town square to get their pumpkin right after announcements. You need to have your decorated pumpkin in town square by the end of period one. Good luck everyone!
Grade 8 boys volleyball practice this week will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. None today. See you tomorrow.
Reminder to all Coffee House participants to return their green sheets to Mrs. Hamel as soon as possible. The show is made based on these sheets so they are important to have returned.
Tuesday, November 1st, 2022
Cafeteria Special Today: Chicken Caesar Salad, Garlic Stick & Jag Juice $7.00
Anyone have an interest in traveling to Europe in the next few years? There will be an information meeting in room 102 Thursday at lunch to discuss future travel destinations and how you can start planning. Come learn about the wonderful opportunity to travel with your friends and discover different cultures.
As part of our Remembrance Day Celebration on November 11th, we would like to create a video presentation of photos of family members of students and staff who are serving or who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos of deceased family members are also welcomed. Please send photos via email to either Mr. Dedo or Mr. Gagnon with the name of the person, their rank and years served by Monday, November 7th.
There will be a Grade 8 Girls volleyball practice today, tomorrow and Thursday at lunch. See Mr. Hisko if you are unable to attend.
The Dominican Republic Team will be offering a pizza lunch for purchase on School Cash Online only for this Friday, November 4th. $6 for two slices of pizza and a drink. All proceeds are directed to food, medical and educational programs that we support for the people of the Dominican Republic. Tomorrow is the last day to order.
Varsity Girls Hockey – First tryout will be Thursday after school from 2:30-4:00. Please see Mrs. Cahill if you need a drive.
Reminder to all Coffee House participants to return their green sheets to Mrs. Hamel as soon as possible. The show is built using these sheets so they are essential. The firm deadline to return green sheets is tomorrow.
Thank you to the following students in Mrs. Turcotte’s Period 1 Grade 10 science class who contributed to the win… Ryan, Alexandra, Zoe, Meghan, Hannah, Cali, Falyn, Ainslie, Noah, Shaelyn, Owen, Grace and Shreya. Congrats!
Improv meets today after school on the stage.
Wednesday, November 2, 2002
Cafeteria Special today: Chicken Burger w/Fries & Jag Juice $7.00
Anyone have an interest in traveling to Europe in the next few years? There will be an information meeting in room 102 tomorrow at lunch to discuss future travel destinations and how you can start planning. Come learn about the wonderful opportunity to travel with your friends and discover different cultures.
As part of our Remembrance Day Celebration on November 11th, we would like to create a video presentation of photos of family members of students and staff who are serving or who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos of deceased family members are also welcomed. Please send photos via email to either Mr. Dedo or Mr. Gagnon with the name of the person, their rank and years served by Monday, November 7th.
The Dominican Republic Team will be offering a pizza lunch for purchase on School Cash Online only for this Friday, November 4th. $6 for two slices of pizza and a drink. All proceeds are directed to food, medical and educational programs that we support for the people of the Dominican Republic. Today is the last day to order.
Reminder to all Coffee House participants that TODAY is the absolute final day to return your green sheets to Mrs. Hamel.
Attention Senior Girls – If you are interested in trying out for the volleyball team, please
find the signup sheet located outside the gym. You must sign up by the end of the week.
Congratulations to the junior girls basketball team who had a great quarter final showing against our cross town rivals RCI. The girls stayed defensively sound and kept the lead all throughout the game, winning with a final score of 31-14. Addison Chaplin and Kylie Afflect led the team in scoring.
Workout club happening today in the weight room- doors will be open between 11am and 11:35am
Thursday, November 3rd, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Popcorn Chicken bowl w/Jag Juice $ 7.00
Anyone have an interest in traveling to Europe in the next few years? There will be an information meeting in room 102 today at lunch to discuss future travel destinations and how you can start planning. Come learn about the wonderful opportunity to travel with your friends and discover different cultures.
As part of our Remembrance Day Celebration on November 11th, we would like to create a video presentation of photos of family members of students and staff who are serving or who have served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Photos of deceased family members are also welcomed. Please send photos via email to either Mr. Dedo or Mr. Gagnon with the name of the person, their rank and years served by Monday, November 7th.
Swing by the foods room today at the beginning of lunch for a fresh smoothie bowl!
Attention Senior Girls – If you are interested in trying out for the volleyball team, please find the signup sheet located outside the gym. You must sign up by the end of the week.
Hey Jags! Be sure to wish your Junior Boys Volleyball team good luck today! They will begin their play-off journey at 10am against RCI! Go Jags Go!
It’s a big day for the Senior Girls Basketball team today as well – Come cheer them on this afternoon as they play a very important game in the Jag den against the rivals – the Opeongo Wildcats. Game time is 3:30!
Community Service Hours Opportunity
The St. Francis Xavier Parish CWL are holding their annual Tea & Talent Sale on Saturday, November 12th and they are in need of student volunteers. There are a variety of jobs and shifts that are available on both Friday, November 11th after school and then throughout the day on Saturday. If you are interested in helping please see Ms. O’Gorman in Student Services.
There will be a brief but important and mandatory meeting for all performers who have signed up for Coffee House. The meeting will take place in the music room at the start of lunch.
Friday November 4, 2022
Cafeteria Special Today: Lasagna w/Garlic Stick and Jag Juice $7.00
Students in need of community service hours – St. Francis Xavier Catholic Women’s League is hosting a Tea and Talent Event next Saturday, November 12th from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. They are in need of volunteers for serving. If you are interested, please contact or see Mr. Dedo in the Chaplaincy Office
The Workout Club is happening today at lunch in the weight room. Doors open between 11:00am and 11:30am!
Are you interested in trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey team? If so, please come to Rm 313 at the beginning of lunch for a short meeting today!
Grade 8 boys volleyball practice today is cancelled.
Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Customer Appreciation Day – Large Poutine $7.00; Pogo $3.00, these come with pop, chocolates and more!
Students in need of community service hours – St. Francis Xavier Catholic Women’s League is hosting a Tea and Talent Event this Saturday, November 12th from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. They are in need of volunteers for serving. If you are interested, please contact or see Mr. Dedo in the Chaplaincy Office
JAG HUNT: Today is the first day of jag hunt! Period one teachers, please distribute your slips and clothes pins. Jag hunt will officially begin at 10:55!
If teachers could also please take a minute to review the rules with their classes that are posted in the staff google classroom that would be great! Any students on spare, have elearning or did not receive a slip, please see Mrs Skebo in room 307.
Happy Hunting!
Senior boys volleyball practice tomorrow night early.
Grade 8 boys volleyball practice at lunch today.
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Chicken Fingers w/Fries and Jag Juice $7.00
There will be a meeting for anyone interested in being in the school musical, in the band or working backstage, on tech, props or set tomorrow, (Thursday) at lunch in the music room. Even if you are just curious, or thinking about getting involved, you are welcome to attend. Bring your lunch.
Thursday November 10th will be the last day for the first round of jag hunt. There will be no hunting on Remembrance Day. If you have not pinned your target, please report to the table in town square at 11:25 on Thursday to face off in a game of rock, paper, scissors. Good luck hunters!
There will be no grade 8 boys volleyball today at lunch. Happy Hunting. The team list will be posted later today. See you on Friday!
Thursday, November 10, 2022
There will be a meeting for anyone interested in being in the school musical, in the band or working backstage, on tech, props or set today at lunch in the music room. For those of you who cannot make it today, we will also meet tomorrow at lunch in the music room. Even if you are just curious, or thinking about getting involved, you are welcome to attend. Bring your lunch.
A friendly reminder to the Self Identified Indigenous students who are planning on attending the Indigineous Career Info Day on Mon.Nov.14 at Algonquin College Pembroke you MUST return your signed permission forms before end of day tomorrow otherwise you will not be able to attend.
You can drop off your signed permission forms at the office.
The Township of McNab/Braeside will be hosting an open mic night this Saturday at the Murray Yantha community centre. If you are interested in signing up, please see Mr. Valliquette in Student Services.
A reminder to Mr. Skelhorn’s grade 9 science class to go to Room 307 today for class. Don’t forget your chrome books.
Senior boys volleyball please meet in town square to leave at the end of period 1.
Swing by the foods room after period one for your foods room snack today!
Friday November 11th, 2022
Cafeteria Special Today: Pulled Pork Sandwich w/Fries and Jag Juice $7.00
There will be a Junior Girls Volleyball sign up today at lunch. Please make your way to room 321 for the sign up sheet and some important announcements.
There will be a meeting for anyone interested in being in the school musical, in the band or working backstage, on tech, props or set at lunch in the music room about 10 minutes after the end of the service. Even if you are just curious, or thinking about getting involved, you are welcome to attend.
A big thanks to all the Jags who came out to support the Junior Boys volleyball team yesterday! Your cheers of encouragement led them to their win against Opeongo for the qualifying EOSSAA match that will be held on Tuesday! The team faced some tough challenges and played very well! Good job Jags! Practice Monday at 2:35!
Attention those who signed up for Senior Girls Volleyball – tryouts will begin the week of November 21. Dates will be announced next week.
The Sr Girls Basketball team traveled to Arnprior last night to play in the county finals. Arnprior proved to be a tough opponent and took the win but it was an excellent team effort against a skilled Rapids team. The great news is that our season isn’t over and we now focus on EOSSAA in Brockville next week.
Monday, Nov. 14, 2022
There will be a Junior Boys Volleyball practice tomorrow after school. Please check the google classroom for more details.
Jag Hunt round two will begin today at 10:55!
Your slips will be handed out during period two today, please see Mrs Skebo in room 307 if you have any questions or if you have period two spare or elearning to get your slip.
Please remember that this is a short week and round two will end at 11:20 on Wednesday!
Please see student council members in town square after you pin your person in order to move on to round 3 next week. If you do not pin your person by 11:20 on Wednesday, you need to come play rock paper scissors in order to make it to round three.
Staff and students are reminded to continue checking their school-board issued Outlook accounts for updates and reminders from Mr. O’Connor.
The Study Hall remains open everyday at lunch for student use. Please consider this opportunity for completing/submitting any assigned task, preparing for upcoming tests, and/or getting yourself as caught up as possible.
E-Learning Students – The Study Hall is available to all e-learning students during their scheduled e-learning periods. If you are behind, have outstanding assessments, or need a space to focus, please feel free to use this space.
Improv meets after school today.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Cafeteria Special: Sweet N Sour Meatballs served over rice with Jag Juice $7.00
There will be an early Junior Boys Volleyball practice today after school to prep for EOSSAA tomorrow. Please let Ms. Pallen know if you can’t make it!
Swing by the Foods Room today at lunch for a mini pizza!
There will be an important meeting for the Sr. Girls basketball team at the beginning of lunch in Student Services. It will be brief but important. Late practice tonight.
There will be Senior Girls Volleyball tryouts Monday and Tuesday next week – see you there!
Varsity Girls Hockey – There will be a try out next Monday after school from 2:30-4:00. If you need a drive, please see one of the coaches. A google classroom will be set up today, please see it for any further information.
Reminder to the senior boys volleyball team to return the team uniforms today or tomorrow to Portable 1. Congratulations on a good season.
Grade 8 boys volleyball practice today and tomorrow at lunch.
Junior Girls Basketball lunch meeting at 11:00am in portable 2. Please bring your game uniforms to the meeting.