About SJHS
Mr. Derek Lennox
Vice Principal
Mrs. Julie Shreenan
Afelskie, Hollie
Belanger, Jessica
Briscoe, Anne (Grade 8)
Cahill. Meghan
Cobus, Tracey
Dedo, Jason (Chaplain)
Gagon, John
Gravelle, Steven
Halk, Jeff
Hamel, Alana
Hass, Carolyn
Hisko, Nathan (Grade 8)
Kelly, Julie
Lunney, Bill (Co-Op)
MacLeod, Don
McGregor, Stacey
McIntyre, Ryan
McMahon, Mike (Co-Op)
Mulvihill, Kaitlyn
O’Connor, Tim (Student Success)
O’Gorman, Jane (Special Education)
O’Rourke, Annice
Pallen, Sheena
Pender, Jessica (Guidance)
Retty, Jeff
Richards, Allison
Schneider, Rebecca
Simon, Paula
Skeebo, Emily
Skelhorn, Trent
St. Michael, Dan (Grade 8)
Summers, Wil
Turcotte, Renee
Valliquette, Mark (Guidance)
Welch, Erin
Yarascavitch, Amanda
Barr, Sheila
Calvinho, Tracy
Enright, Michelle
Guyea, Lisa
Irwin, Karen
Mosley, Calley
Mosley, Cyndie
Neville, Louise
Schroder, Ashley
Sul, Margaret
Briscoe, Theresa
Graham, Brittany (Campus Youth Worker)
Matcheskie, Debby
Coulas, Lisa (Head Secretary)
Bell, Sarah: R.C.C.D.S.B. Social Worker
Benoit, Jerry: R.C.C.D.S.B. Indigenous Grad Coach
Mallette, Katrina: Pheonix Centre Worker
Wodzinski, Dan: Addictions Counsellor
Brazeau, Alan
Dorzek, Tony
Godin, Debbie
Krysinski, Andrew
Legault, Kelly
Seabrook, Treena (Head Custodian)
The Student Code of Behaviour has evolved over a number of years through input by students, parents, staff, parish and community representatives. Its purpose is to create and maintain a positive and Christian learning environment in which each student can develop his/her full potential, and to assist the student in reaching his/her goals. You can find the Code of Behaviour for St. Joseph’s High School here: St. Joseph’s High School Code of Behaviour