Bishop Smith CHS
Research Integrity

At Bishop Smith Catholic High School we understand and highly value the concept of research integrity. We are prepared to teach students how to document the oral, written, and electronic works of others, including content created by Artificial Intelligence. Copying work and presenting it as your own is a serious offence.

Students will be held accountable for the work they submit to teachers for assessment and evaluation. If a student does not give credit to the author or publisher of a borrowed work, ‘ plagiarism ‘ will be suspected. Example consequences include completion of an alternate assignment, a zero grade, and suspension.

Our teacher-librarian has prepared condensed style sheets according to APA and MLA standards to assist students with developing their understanding of referencing.  We encourage students to use this material or consult with our teacher-librarian.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism refers to the copying of words, ideas,
or images and presenting them as your own. 


The American Psychological Association provides writers with a set of rules or guidelines for formatting papers and referencing sources. The seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is available in our school library. The APA referencing system is commonly used in geography, math, psychology, science, and technology.


The Modern Language Association also provides writers with a set of rules or guidelines for formatting papers and referencing sources. The eighth edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers is available in our school library. The MLA system is commonly used in drama, English, history, music, philosophy, religious studies, and visual art.

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